Welcome to Oasis of Health

At Oasis offer a rich selection of health and home care products.

Our expertises include everyting from Practitioner dispensing, through to all your home health needs.

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  • Oasis-made Products

    We have a range of hand-crafted natural health products using the highest quality ingredients.

    Our ingredients are organic where possible, products are hand blended and supplied in sustainable packaging.

  • Herbal Prescriptions

    The herbal preparations we make at Oasis of Health are of the highest quality, using only the most renowned manufacturers of 'raw' herbal extracts in the country.

  • Nutritional Compounding

    We are trained in nutraceutical compounding which is the process of tailoring a supplemental powder or capsules to a patient’s needs. The process is similar to that of blending liquid herbs, as the patient’s needs are assessed, a formula developed and then dispensed.

  • Flower Essences

    Flower essence therapy is an energetic intervention to a more cemented health issue. The intervention is used to address the more neglected, emotional and etheric aspects of disease which have been lost over recent years.