Harnessing the Power of Topical Vitamin D3 and Jojoba Oil for Psoriasis Relief

Harnessing the Power of Topical Vitamin D3 and Jojoba Oil for Psoriasis Relief


Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition characterised by red, scaly patches, affects millions worldwide. While there is no cure, various treatments aim to alleviate symptoms. One promising approach involves topical Vitamin D3, often combined with natural emollients like Jojoba oil. This article will explore how this dynamic duo can provide much-needed relief.


The Science Behind Topical Vitamin D3:

Vitamin D3, a crucial nutrient for skin health, has shown remarkable potential in managing psoriasis. When applied topically, it helps regulate skin cell growth and reduce inflammation, critical factors in psoriasis development. Oasis takes this further by fortifying Jojoba oil with Vitamin D3, offering a powerful, targeted solution for people living with psoriasis. Note that this is a potent blend, as each application is only a few drops over a large area. It is essential to consider that as the absorption of medications through the skin is relatively low, this combination of Vitamin D and Jojoba oil is not suitable as a Vitamin D supplement but is a potent topical applicant for specific application to affected areas.


Jojoba Oil: Nature's Soothing Elixir:

Derived from the seeds of the Jojoba plant, this versatile oil closely mimics the skin's natural oils. It is renowned for its moisturising properties, making it an excellent choice for psoriasis patients. Jojoba oil forms a protective barrier, locking in moisture and soothing irritated skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can further aid in calming the redness and discomfort associated with psoriasis. Jojoba oil is a light moisturising oil suitable for very sensitive skin.


Combining Forces for Optimal Results:

The marriage of Vitamin D3 and Jojoba oil is a game-changer in psoriasis management. Vitamin D3 targets some of the underlying causes of psoriasis, while Jojoba oil provides a nurturing environment for the skin to heal. This combination supports healthier skin and provides much-needed relief from the discomfort associated with psoriasis flare-ups, reducing redness, flaking, cracking and irritation.


How to Incorporate Topical Vitamin D3 and Jojoba Oil into Your Routine:

Cleanse: Gently wash the affected areas with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Pat dry with a soft towel.

Apply: Dispense a small amount of Oasis's Vitamin D3-fortified Jojoba oil onto the fingertips. 2-4 drops is optimal.

Massage: Gently massage the oil into the affected areas using circular motions. Allow it to absorb fully.

Repeat: For optimal results, apply this soothing blend twice daily, especially after bathing or showering.



When managing psoriasis, a multifaceted approach often yields the best results. Combining topical Vitamin D3 and Jojoba oil offers a powerful, natural solution. Oasis's fortified Jojoba oil, rich in Vitamin D3, stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from the challenges of psoriasis. Incorporate this dynamic duo into a skincare routine and take a step towards healthier, more comfortable skin.


Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen.

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